useful resources
Our Reports
Trust in an AI-Informed World
SDP - February 2025
As AI reshapes society, the potential for innovation is immense, but so are the risks. On everyone’s mind is how to strike the right balance and protect the trust our stakeholders place in us.
This report provides insights and practical solutions from the SDP Roundtable under four key themes related to trust - fairness and accuracy, accountability, privacy and confidentiality and disclosure.
Job Automation
SDP - March 2024
In this report we look at the impact of AI-enabled job automation on roles in the built environment using research from the World Economic Forum for the real estate and infrastructure industries.
We also summarise insights and ideas from our SDP Roundtable on how we could approach automation ethically, responsibly and sustainably through a human-centric lens.
ESG Legislation & Reporting
SDP - October 2024
In this report we bring awareness to the the latest sustainability legislation enacted in Australia; the Treasury Laws Bill 2024:Climate-related financial disclosure.
It looks at why this is an important inflection point in Australia’s regulatory history and how the transition should not stifle innovation in the built environment.
Digital Inclusion
SDP - July 2024
In this report we look at whether the design of our digital experiences is unwinding the gains made in creating more inclusive, diverse and equitable outcomes and a built environment where everyone belongs.
We also provide practical ideas from our SDP Roundtable on how we could create more inclusive experiences that benefit everyone.
Useful Publications
Crossing the Threshold - a primer for sustainable digitalisation in real estate and cities
Morphosis - 2018
Crossing the Threshold is a key resource for those wanting to start understanding and applying sustainable digitalisation. It is a primer to help industry and cities start taking action and leadership on sustainable digitalisation.
Crossing the Threshold identifies 24 ESG opportunities and risks that will likely be materially consequential to many real estate and city stakeholders, and offers a framework for action to help organisations build capacity and provide industry leadership.
It was conceived, funded and authored by Simon Carter of Morphosis, published by the RICS and endorsed by the Property Council of Australia (PCA), Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) and the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB).
Ethical by Design: Principles for Good Technology
The Ethics Centre - 2018
Learn the principles you need to consider when designing ethical technology, how to balance the intentions of design and use, and the rules of thumb to prevent ethical missteps. Understand how to break down some of the biggest challenges and explore a new way of thinking for creating purpose-based design.
You’re responsible for what you design – make sure you build something good. Whether you are editing a genome, building a driverless car or writing a social media algorithm, this report offers the knowledge and tools to do so ethically.
The Ethics Centre is Australia’s leading ethics education, innovation and advisory body.
Human Rights and Technology - Final Report
Australian Human Rights Commission - 2021
This report and project of the Australian Human Rights Commission is a landmark for the advancement of technology in alignment with human rights.
“Edward Santow, Australian Human Rights Commissioner, led a three-year national initiative culminating in the Human Rights and Technology Final Report.
The Report sets out a roadmap for responsible innovation—taking advantage of the promise of new technology, while upholding our human rights. The Report’s recommendations will help ensure that new technologies are developed and used in ways that are inclusive, accountable, and with robust human rights safeguards.”
Summary and easy English versions of the report are available via the report website.
Image at top: Lucrezia Carnelo